An excellent piece.

Reflecting back, the fact that Tim has gotten flack from Tesla fanatics over the years is truly inconceivable. While many automotive journalists rely on hyperbolic bullshit, Tim instead deals in thoughtful criticism and constructive praise.

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Very fair assessment, Tim. We never had the consistent phantom braking or the leaking frunk issues you did, but the rest is spot on. That ride quality grated on me for the few years we owned ours.

When we bought ours, I never really had an issue with Musk. However, when we decided to sell, his lack of self-control and frankly terrible personality had progressed to the point that selling the car was an easy choice. It’s a shame.

Loving the Ioniq 5 and the MME GT Premium. I consider them both upgrades from the MY.

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I can't imagine selling a car because I don't like the founders personality. Must wonder what other manufacturers think of us 🤔.

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Exactly so many people are brainwashed author here included imagine putting how you feel about a person's political values in a car review well we know your biased

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John I wrote this 18 months ago, long before Musk's current political involvement, and my opinions on the Model Y were formed long before that, even.

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I’ve debated repeatedly about changing out my model 3 for something else given the Elon antics. Very curious what the electric SUV is as we are going to be in the market for one very soon.

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Thoughtful and fair. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for reading!

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Uhhh, yeeaah….. Musk is trying to get the planet away from oil to sustainable energy, which absolutely makes him a threat to your sponsors.

Meanwhile, Mercedes Benz, VW, Porsche, FORD , IBM, & BMW were directly involved with the Nazis eradication of Jews

And since you are Pointing fingers here, you might as well mention Kawasaki, Mitsubishi, Riken, Nissan, & Fujitsu direct involvement in Japanese killing Americans. None of these companies made reparations for killing the friends of your grandparents.

Oh, did I strike a nerve? You poor babies, just bury your head back in the sand and try not to think about it.

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It is odd to inject a psych evaluation into a car review, projection? Musk isn't who I want to babysit my kids but it's hard to ignore his positive mark on the world. Twitter for us adulting is just noise.

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Written by someone who has eds so well we know it's not a fair review

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This article was decent until you brought politics into it. True clown.

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I had to double check what year this article was written, because I got a Model Y Long Range yesterday for around $43k. Once I got to the part where you say you do not want to be financially associated with Elon Musk in any way, in an article about a car, not Elon Musk, I also have to say that completely taints every point you made. You remind me of many an Apple hater I've helped for 34 years in my IT career who simply could not admit when an Apple product was better. Except your overall article seems fair, there's obvious bias here.

Few people use these cars to tow anything. You don't have to "buy" FSD any more. These are really options for people who would as soon as throw their cash into a fire as use it to buy this car (and I mean "buy", not lease).

The ride quality on the Model Y. Wow, I think the only other thing I've ever heard so many Tesla owners and non-owners whine about is the FSD. Maybe it's because my other cars are a 2019 4Runner and a 2020 Wrangler Sport, but I think the Model Y ride quality is great without being spongy. Speaking of FSD, I've used it a few times and did not trust it. I've never had it "stomp" on the brakes. I have had my past Tesla Model 3 stomp on the brakes to prevent me from rear ending another car when I was driving. Which I was thankful for. That's about it. As I've told other people who were very concerned about FSD when they found out I had a Tesla, you don't have to use it. I enjoy driving my Tesla's (previous from 2020-2023 and this one) too much to turn over the driving to the computer. That's it.

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I’m trying to decide between a used Tesla Y or some other EV. The dropped prices recently really makes it attractive! I’m just scared about long term costs. Will be my first EV. Do you recommend getting an extended warranty or roll the dice on a 2021/2022 once full warranty runs out?

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I wouldn't honestly buy any EV used. I was wondering the other day why anyone would buy any EV used because there's such a huge cost involved with replacing/recycling the batteries at some point, which is why most people lease their Tesla's. I got a Model Y Long Range yesterday because there's a big sale that's ending this week. I got $5k off the normal full price, and in a lease.

Doing some quick reading on 2018 Tesla Model 3's, replacing the batteries, it sounds like it costs about $15-20k. Would an extended warranty cover that and who provides it?

My 2020 Model 3 was great in long term quality, and the only problem I had was with the steering wheel "skin" sliding off on a small part after 2.5 years.

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But I read Tesla is no longer allowing people to purchase at the end of their leases so I don’t really like the thought of renting something essentially that I’ll never have any ownership on. I guess if I was extremely wealthy I can understand not caring about that, but I’m just not in that situation currently so I do want to own my car. I have heard about the great deals though. The extended warranty that Tesla recommends is Xcelerate Auto. They have plans up to 10 years that would cover the most expensive repairs. Thats great to know about your model 3. I’ve seen photos of used Teslas with very worn steering wheels and driver door handles, must be cheap material?

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With a lease you don't take the giant depreciation hit and in three years there'll be better batteries and longer range. Plus more opportunities for rebates and tax credits upfront with a lease. It's a no trainer IMO.

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