A Good Week for Exclusives
Every journalist's favorite word -- so long as they're the one who gets to type it.
Greetings from Chile — where I'm semi-vacationing and taking a respite from the most turbulent weather on the planet — to give you lovely people a little update on what I've been up to. I've been quiet of late, heads-down pulling together some features I'm really proud of for some outlets I never imagined I'd be a part of. I even sold a spooky little story I wrote to a great fiction outlet. More on that another day.
Right now, I wanted to make sure y'all saw a few exclusives that dropped this week. I honestly can't pick a favorite, so here they are in chronological order.
Foo Fighters Pinball
Yet another band pinball machine from Stern? If you're a pinball aficionado like yours truly, I can understand why that might be your first reaction. But this one's different. A new, young designer's first table. A design that's familiar but, the more you look, the more you realize it breaks a lot of rules. And, a band that maybe isn't fresh but certainly is a lot more youthful than Rush, Led Zeppelin, and The Beatles -- Stern's last three major-release music tables. This, plus a new CEO and even a new headquarters, might be seen as a generational shift for Stern Pinball. Read much more on that plus an exclusive interview with designer Jack Danger over on Inverse.
Scout Motors Gets a Factory
I have been intrigued by Scout Motors since the first details started coming to light last year. Now, I'm very glad to be able to bring the latest round of details to light. Scout will make a $2 billion investment to create a wholly new factory in South Carolina, and you can read the first details exclusively on TechCrunch.
Scott Keogh's First Interview as Scout CEO
And finally, a bigger feature from my first sit-down with Scout Motors' new CEO Scott Keogh. You may know Scott from his prior work with Volkswagen North America, which from a corporate standpoint meant having him step over to lead Scout makes a lot of sense. But more important is his perspective and passion that he brings to the table, and frankly it was great to learn more about his respect for remote work, too. It was a great chat and I felt very privileged to bring it exclusively to TechCrunch.
Well done, the interview with Keogh was an interesting read.